Blume, J. (1973). Deenie. New York: Laurel-Leaf.
This book is on the 100 Most Challenged Books list
Exposition: Deenie is a beautiful teenager whose mother wants her to be a model. Deenie really doesn't want to become a model, but is being pushed by her mother. Deenie's mother is constantly setting up interviews with modeling agencies. The agencies all agree that she is a beautiful girl, but there's something just not quite right about the way she walks and moves.
Conflict: Deenie is diagnosed with adolescent idiopathetic scoliosis and must wear a brace for four years to correct the condition. She is concerned about how the brace will make her look, especially since she likes a boy named Buddy Brader.
Rising Action: Deenie's P.E. teacher suspects that there might be a problem with Deenie's spine. Her parents take her to a doctor where she is diagnosed with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Deenie wants to have surgery to correct the problem, but the doctor says she must wear a brace, for four years, instead. After much contemplation, Deenie decides to attend a mixer that is being sponsored by her school. There she experiences her first kiss with Buddy Brader, but doesn't kiss back because she is extremely self conscious about her brace.
Climax: Deenie has been invited to a party at one of her best friend's house. She doesn't want to wear the brace, but her father say she must. Deenie decides that when she gets to her friend's house she will remove her brace even after promising her dad that she will wear it.
Falling Action: Deenie does not remove the brace at the party because she doesn't want to break her father's trust.
Resolution: Deenie and Buddy share another kiss and this time she kisses him back.
Judy Blume does such an incredible job at making this story believable. Every teenage girl is self conscious, but add the extra drama of a brace and that would send any girl into turmoil. Judy Blume uses dialogue that real teenagers would use. You can feel Deenie's tantrums and frustration with the brace. Deenie is also a well developed character. We get to understand that even though she's beautiful, she's not conceited and does not use her looks to get what she wants. Even though she has to wear this brace, she is brave and faces everyone head-on.
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